How Does Your Personality Affect Your Personal Reality?
Matthew Manza

You’re probably familiar with the concept of introverts and extroverts by now, but through Flory’s impactful seminars and previews, we take a deeper look into how your personality affects the way you live your life, how you affect others’ lives, and how your 4- letter type benefits your professional life.

Twice certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Flory presents an in-depth explanation of the 16 types of personalities, which are divided into four dimensions with two options for each. Extroversion and Introversion comprise the first dimension, which is where you get your energy from. Let’s look at how your extroverted/introverted personality type may be key to your personal success.

Introverts are known to work independently and by nature, are more reserved. At the end of the day, they are looking to regain some energy by themselves. Extroverts, on the other hand, prefer collaboration, team efforts, and social workplaces and they tend to get their energy from being around others in group settings. While the two types have different characteristics, both can be extremely beneficial in the workplace.

Valuable qualities that introverts bring to the table are their detailed listening skills, ability to self-motivate, and concentration in group settings, which in turn is incredibly helpful when it comes to time-management. Introverts tend to think things through before they speak, too, which can be a highway to bright, insightful ideas. These ideas are also usually original, as introverts are typically less influenced by outside opinions.

You don’t need to be an introvert to make great contributions to the workplace, though. Extroverts are known to be great communicators, as conversation tends to come naturally to them. Pitching ideas, giving presentations, and building relationships are areas in which extroverts excel. Energy is also a tool they bring to the table. They are known to be quicker with decision making- a key to management and leadership positions.

Along with introversion and extroversion, there are other personality traits that make up your type. The next steps of identifying your personality type include Sensing and Intuition, which describe how you take in information, Thinking and Feeling, which pertain to how you make decisions, and Judging and Perceiving- how you like to orient your life through change and structure.

Though there may be differences, you may find yourself learning strategies, techniques, and skills from your personality’s opposite type, especially in your career. At an A Wakened Events seminar, Flory will equip you with the tools you need to strengthen your non-dominant skills or the “opposite” of your type using many different strategies and techniques. As Flory says, you have to practice your non-preferences so when you have to use those skills in the workplace, you will feel more comfortable doing so.